The Division of Infectious Diseases offers a full-time tertiary consultation service for both inpatients at the Kingston General Hospital site of Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) and to the Southeastern Ontario community through 7 half-day ambulatory care clinics located at the Infection & Immunology Clinic at the Hotel Dieu Hospital site of KHSC. These clinics include general infectious diseases, chronic viral hepatitis treatment, HIV care and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. The Infectious Diseases physicians provide care for a significant number of patients on antibiotic therapy through the Southeast Ontario LHIN Home IV Program. Through a joint venture with the Division of Respirology, Infectious Diseases manages patients referred with tuberculous infection in a team approach with KFL&A Public Health in the Tuberculosis Clinic. The ID service group has a strong co-operative relationship with the Department of Microbiology located at the Kingston Health Science Centre. Future clinical endeavours include the establishment of a formal Outpatient Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) service and OPAT clinic.
Questions or comments can be directed to Dori Silver, Divisional Administrative Assistant: