Our residency programs at Queen's University are nationally respected for its collegial atmosphere, high faculty-to-resident ratio, research opportunities, and strong focus on teaching in all of the major subspecialties as well as General Internal Medicine. It is fully accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Until now, residency programs were time-based. This meant that as a resident, you spent one full year in each Postgraduate Year (PGY) before you could move up to the next level. 
Promotion was based on the successful completion of a year of learning comprised of thirteen equal rotation blocks, and this was the same for all residents. Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) reduces the emphasis of learning based on units of time and instead shifts the basis for promotion to the demonstration of competence.
Our residency programs have been restructured into four new phases of learning, each with a different focus. In each phase, you’ll have to demonstrate that you’ve achieved competency in the clinical tasks and activities expected of you. You’ll be assessed using new concepts called entrustable professional activities and milestones.