Division members are active in a number of Research areas. There is a well established program in Repair of Cartilage and Bone and advanced post-graduate training (MSc and PhD) is offered in Connective Tissue Biochemistry, through the Department of Biochemisty. There is active Epidemiology Research in a variety of areas related to Rheumatic Diseases and post- graduate training (MSc) is offered through the Department of Epidemiology. There are also strong links with Clinical Mechanics and also with Pathology and Rehabilitation. A Centre of Excellence in Bones and Joints, involving a number of cognitively related areas is currently under development. There is a strong component of Epidemiological Research in Osteoporosis, through the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CAMOS). In addition, MDs interested in a career in Research, have opportunities to register in the Clinical Investigation Program (CIP). Post-doctoral training for PhDs is also available, in the areas indicated above, but funding is on a competitive basis through limited internal sources and applications to the Arthritis Society and the Medical Research Council.
Although not a mandatory requirement of the Rheumatology Training Program, resident research participation is strongly encouraged. The intensity and extent of the research experience is tailored in accordance with the resident's interests, previous research experience, and career aspirations. Examples of recent ongoing and/or completed resident research projects include:
- The extent of the osteoporosis care gap in the Kingston region.
- Synvisc in osteoarthritis of the hip: A pilot study.
- A comparison of hypochondriasis and somatization in patients with fibromyalgia compared with rheumatoid arthritis.
- An internet survey of Ontario Rheumatologists with respect to procedures used in joint aspiration/injection.
- Systematic review of pharmacological therapies for hand osteoarthritis.
- Systematic review of the ability of glucosamine to alter glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity.
- An internet survey of Ontario Rheumatologists with respect to their views on fibromyalgia.