Dr. Mandip Rai is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine at Queen’s University. He received an honours bachelor of science degree from McMaster University (2010) and subsequently was awarded his Doctor of Medicine from Saba University School of Medicine (2015). He then completed internal medicine residency (2018) and gastroenterology training (2020) at Queen’s University. He completed a therapeutic endoscopy fellowship at Queen’s University in 2021. He went on to complete his fellowship in advanced therapeutic endoscopy at St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto (2022) which included EMR, ERCP, EUS, double balloon enteroscopy and luminal stenting. He completed a Master of Science in evidence-based health care at the University of Oxford. Dr. Rai’s clinical and academic interests centre around therapeutic endoscopy and pancreaticobiliary disease.